Thinking of using this time while staying at home to start toilet training?
Here are some things to consider:
1. Is your child ready for toilet training yet? Before we are able to independently toilet ourselves, we need to have developed a whole lot of skills which allow us to be independent when toileting. Some of these skills include core control to sit on the toilet with stability, regulation of the sensory system to be able to tolerate a noisy, smelly, overall offensive bathroom, and internal body awareness so we know that we do actually need to go.
2. Repetition and routine are key! Knowing whether or not your child has an internal toileting schedule will help you know when they are likely to go and helps you stay ahead of them. Having a consistent toileting routine helps your child become comfortable with the new sights, sounds, and smells of the toilet but it will also help you minimise potential accidents and maximise confidence for both you and your child.
3. Make it fun! – As we know, children learn best through play! Having sticker charts, toileting toy boxes, toilet songs, rewards, and games are hugely motivating for kids. Each of our kids is so unique, sometimes finding the perfect motivator for your little individual can take time and that is ok. What works for some won’t always work for others.
4. If you weren’t sure about how to further proceed you can always contact your friendly
OT team at My Therapy Space.