My Therapy Space is passionate about sharing information through workshops. They are a great way to share information to groups of people, to meet with others having similar experiences with their children and openly discuss the topics on offer. They are a useful resource when trying to upskill yourself, family members or educators in your child’s life to better understand and support them. Some of the workshops we have provided include:
Accredited Key Word Sign workshops- basic and intermediate
An introduction to Neurodiversity affirming practice
Understanding Sensory processing
Emotional regulation
We love to run therapy groups! This is a lovely way for the children to work on their goals while also getting to interact with like minded peers. The groups we regularly offer include:
Seabridges- a Neurodiversity affirming group for children with Autism to learn more about themselves and interacting with others.
Fine motor group- a group for children to develop their fine motor skills for cutting and handwriting.
Let’s communicate together group- A group for 18 month to 2.5 year olds who are showing signs of delayed language development.
Chatterbox group- A group for 4-5 year olds with language difficulties.
Prep- readiness group- A group run by Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists working on skills to support a successful transition to prep.
My Therapy Space has been running school holiday groups for many years! These groups are incredibly fun and a great chance to meet new people while also working on achieving your goals. Some of the groups we run include the following:
Cooking groups
Scavenger hunts
Movement, dance or yoga group
Holiday games
Lego masters
Magic groups
Beads and bracelets
Crafty Crew
Teen outings
Paint and sip and many many more!!
Click here to see what groups are currently on offer. We love suggestions and a chance to get creative so if you have any ideas for groups or workshops that you feel would benefit you and your child, please let us know and we can try and make it happen!
Current Groups
Current Workshops & Events
Our Team Also Offers
Hanen ”It Takes Two to Talk”
Hanen “More than Words”
Hanen “Learning Language and Loving it”Programs.
Social Thinking Explorers Groups
Let’s Chat – A Speech Pathology Group of 4-6 year old learning AAC & Social Communication through cooking
Fun with Switches – An OT/SLP group aimed at developing social communications with switch access
Let’s Communicate – An 8 week program for parents and children aged 18 months to 3 who are late talkers
Please contact reception if you would like us to attend one of these programs.